One way to wind energy is to use the electricity directly. On a sailing ship, for example, the sail is positioned so that the wind pushing the boat along. Windmills are historically wind energy be used to turn millstones or operate a pump for a fountain, with the help of wind energy on site for various needs. These techniques are in use for thousands of years.
In the case of a wind turbine, wind turbine and the rotation of the turbine rotates to produce electricity, a useful form of energy. Electricity is also practical because it can be carried out so that to generate wind energy, which are used in remote locations. This form of wind power is less efficient than using the energy directly, because energy is lost in the conversion and transfer process.
Many nations use wind power programs as part of a larger pressure to clean energy. Wind turbines can be installed in a variety of locations to develop newer and more efficient turbines with companies all the time. Many wind farms are typically windy areas, taking advantage of an abundant supply of wind.

Wind energy is environmentally friendly per se, although it has some environmental advantages. Building turbines requires a high level of resources, as well as the transport of the turbines and creating the necessary infrastructure to transport to the electricity generated. A wind farm can also provide valuable space that could be used for agriculture, habitat for wildlife, or the case. Some companies have on the development of wind turbines that can be integrated into available space, so that a wind farm is multi-purpose work. Others on the use of renewable resources and environmentally sustainable practices in the construction of generators and wind farms to the environmental costs of establishing a system to reduce generation concentrated.
Despite these drawbacks, the wind is considered more appropriate to many forms of energy including coal-fired power stations and nuclear power plants. These methods tend to pollute them, and they use resources that are not renewed. In the case of nuclear energy, while the electricity itself is pretty clean, the management of spent nuclear fuel is a serious problem. Wind energy is also preferred, hydroelectric plants, including the construction of dams to harness connected the energy in the water is. Dams can damage habitats and the health of waterways.
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