Saturday, November 20, 2010



An engineer is a professional practitioner of the art, concerned with the application of scientific knowledge, mathematics and ingenuity to develop solutions to technical problems. Engineers design materials, imposing structures, machinery and equipment are within the limits of functionality, safety and cost. [1] [2] The word engineering derives from the Latin root ingenium, meaning "wisdom" [3].

Engineers are based in applied sciences and of scientists engaged in research and artists who create excellent with a focus on aesthetics. [2] The work of engineers is the link between scientific discoveries and applications that meet society's needs. [1]

Engineers develop new technical solutions. During the planning process, the performance responsibility of the engineer include defining problems, conducting, and narrowing of the research, analysis criteria, findings and analysis solutions and decisions. Much of the engineer's time is spent on researching, tracking, application and transfer of information. [4]

Engineers must weigh different design choices on their merits and choose the solution best meets the requirements. Their critical and unique responsibility is to understand, identify and interpret the constraints on a design to achieve a successful outcome.

Engineers apply engineering analysis techniques in the examination, production or maintenance. Analytical engineers can monitor the production in factories and elsewhere, determine the cause of a process failure, and test output to maintain quality. They also appreciate the time and cost required to complete projects. Supervisory engineers are responsible for major components or entire projects. Engineering analysis involves the application of scientific principles and analytical processes, the properties and state of the system, a device or system under study shows. Engineering analysis is the separation of planning services in the mechanisms of the operation or failure, analysis, or estimate each component of the operation or failure mechanism in isolation, and again the combination of the components. You can analyze risk. [5] [6] [7] [8].

Many engineers use computers to produce and analyze designs, simulate and test how a machine, structure, or runs to generate specifications for parts to monitor the quality of products and control the efficiency of processes.

Most engineers specialize. [1] Numerous specialties are recognized by professional societies, and each of the major branches of engineering has numerous subdivisions. Civil engineering, for example, includes structural and traffic engineering and materials engineering includes ceramic, metallurgical, and polymer engineering. Engineers can specialize in one industry, such as cars or in a kind of technology, such as turbines or semiconductor materials. [1]

Engineers have obligations to the public and their customers, employers and the profession. Many technical societies have codes of conduct and codes of conduct for members and established inform the general public. Each technical discipline and professional society maintains a code of ethics that require members to defend themselves. Depending on their specializations, engineers can be regulated, whistle blowing, product liability law by specific statute, and often the principles of business ethics. [9] [10] [11]

Some graduates of engineering programs in North America may be recognized by the iron ring or Engineer's Ring, a ring of iron or steel, which is worn on the little finger of the dominant hand. This tradition began in 1925 in Canada with the ritual of the calling of an engineer, where the ring is a symbol and reminder of the engineering commitment for the engineering profession. In 1972, the practice of several colleges in the United States, including members of the Order was adopted by the engineer.

Most engineering programs involve a concentration of study in an engineering specialty, along with courses in mathematics and the physical and life sciences. Many programs and courses in mechanical engineering. A design course, sometimes from a computer or laboratory class or both, accompanied, is part of the curriculum of most programs. Often general courses not directly related to technology, as in the social sciences or humanities, you are needed.

Graduate training is essential for engineering faculty positions and required some research and development programs, but not for the majority of entry-level engineering jobs. Many experienced engineers with degrees in engineering or business administration to learn new technologies and expand their education. Many senior leaders in politics and business started their careers as engineers.

Accreditation is the process to be evaluated in the engineering program from a remote location to determine whether existing standards are met. The Washington Accord is an international accreditation agreement for academic degree Engineering, recognition of equivalence in material standards, the large number of national engineering bodies to. In the United States, post-secondary degrees in engineering from the Accreditation Council for Engineering and Technology are recognized. In much of Europe and the Commonwealth professional accreditation is by engineering institutions, such as the Institution of Civil Engineers or the Institution of Mechanical Engineers from the United Kingdom made available.

In many countries, engineering tasks, such as the design of bridges, power plants and chemical plants, must be approved by a qualified engineer. The most common is a Professional Engineer or Chartered Engineer, the status of professional licensing often with the use of post-nominal letters marked titled, PE or P. Eng is common in North America, Eur Ing in Europe, while Ieng CEng and is in the United CEng Kingdom and in many parts of the Commonwealth.

In the United States, is usually reached licensing by the combination of education, screening (Fundamentals of Engineering examination), examination (written Professional Engineering) [12] and engineering experience (usually in the range of 5 years). Each state tests and licenses Professional Engineers. Currently, most states do not license by specific engineering discipline, but provide general licensing and trust engineers professional judgment regarding their individual skills, this is the preferred approach of the professional societies. Despite this, however, at least one of the checks required by most states is actually focused on a specific discipline, select candidates for admission usually the category of the exam, which is closest to their respective expertise.

In Canada, the profession is regulated in each province by its own engineering association. be registered for example, will have in the province of British Columbia engineering graduate with four or more years post graduate experience in a related field of engineering and passing exams in Law and Ethics of the Society of Engineers and Geoscientists (APEGBC) [13] to to be a professional engineer and must allow the professional designation of P. Eng.

In continental Europe, Latin America, Turkey and elsewhere, the title is by law to persons with a degree in engineering and the use of the title is limited by other illegal. In Italy, the title for people who both hold an engineering degree and have completed a vocational qualification examination (Esame di Stato) limited. In Portugal, professional engineer titles and accredited engineering degree regulated and certified by the Ordem dos Engenheiros. In the Czech Republic, the title "engineer" (Ing.) to provide people with a (master) in Chemistry, Engineering and Economics for historical and traditional reasons. In Greece, the academic degree "Diplom-Ingenieur" after the five-year program in mechanical engineering and the title "Certified Engineer" award is awarded after completion of the four-year course of engineering degree from a Technological Educational Institute (TEI).

Engineering is usually a respected profession. British school children in the 1950s, brought with stirring tales of the Victorian engineers, chief among those of Brunel, the Stephensons, Telford and their contemporaries. In Canada, engineering is one of the public's most trusted and respected professions. [14 ] In India, the engineering one of the most sought-after undergraduate courses applied for inviting thousands of candidates try their luck in the highly competitive entrance examinations.

Sometimes engineering has been dry as something seen uninteresting field in popular culture and was also thought to be the domain of nerds. [15] For example, the cartoon character Dilbert is to be an engineer. In science fiction engineers often very experienced and reputable persons who portrays understand the overwhelming future technologies often represented in this genre. Several Star Trek characters are engineers. One difficulty in raising public awareness of the profession is that average people, in the typical run of ordinary life do not always have any personal dealings with engineers, although they benefit from their work every day. In contrast, it is customary to visit a doctor at least once a year, the tax auditor at the time, and occasionally even a lawyer.

In companies and other organizations in many English-speaking countries is underestimated is a tendency people with technical and scientific capabilities compared to managers. In his book The Mythical Man-Month [16], Fred Brooks Jr. says that the managers think of older people as "too valuable" for technical tasks, and management jobs have a higher reputation. He told how many laboratories, such as abolishing Bell Labs, all job titles in order to overcome this problem. "Member of technical staff" a professional employee is an IBM hold a double ladder of progress, the appropriate business and technical sprouts are equivalent. Brooks recommends that structures must be changed, and the boss has a high degree of attention to keep his manager and his technical people give as interchangeable as their talents allow.

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