Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Energy obtained from biological organisms, bio-energy springs from biological sources such as wood, waste and alcohol fuels. In a small way, it is a synonym for biofuel, fuel derived from biological sources. In its broader sense, it includes biomass, the biological material used as biofuel. This is a typical myth of the masses, such as bioenergy, the energy is removed from the biomass, as biomass is the fuel and bio-energy is the energy contained in the fuel. Burning wood for heat is an excellent example of bioenergy.

involved in more conditions can produce bio-energy through the use of genetically modified bacteria to create cellulosic ethanol. Although oil and coal are organic matter, they are not thought to be bio-energy, because they did not live in lately. are bioethanol and biodiesel, used to replace existing gasoline and diesel, with small modifications to the engine, bio-energy in the real world circumstances Liquid bioenergy use.

Some major car manufacturers already support this technology and it will spread more and more. Sugar cane, sugar beet and maize are usually used to supply fuel. Biodiesel comes from edible vegetable oils. Waste cooking oil biodiesel can. Biogas from methane and CO2 is produced and is produced from biomass, such as fertilizers, sewage sludge, waste water, raw materials and other biodegradable waste.Bioenergy been the potential as a viable alternative to fossil fuels intended in some applications, even though the technology is available still not really acceptable.

Bioenergy is well suited for use in places where there is not much access to import fuel.

Plants can be grown using a particular fuel as possible, and can be grown exactly where they are needed, which reduces seriously the monetary and environmental costs and security risks associated with transport and storage of fuel. Advantages and disadvantages of bioenergy, however, reduce by burning or converting biomass pollution of the atmosphere is not complete.

Nevertheless, there are some great benefits.In many regions, biomass is more steady than solar or wind energy. This is called, the wind and solar energy made by technology performed while the energy is captured and stored in the plants. Another advantage is that bioenergy is produced by organic waste, which helps to save environmental and economic costs for their disposal.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of bioenergy is no doubt it is a fill-able natural resources that will help provide energy would be unlimited. But there are some disadvantages in the use of bioenergy. Biomass has tiny energy content for use as bulk carbon-based fuels. Therefore, the cost of labor, transportation and storage are relatively higher. Perhaps the main problems in bioenergy is recycling. Folk will not require bio-energy until there is a huge cost savings while with it, but it can not be saving much until there is a much greater need for bioenergy, or the non-renewable sources seriously expensive.

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