Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Once, we were a child. We sometimes used to play games with ourselves, sometimes with our little friends. We did not use to have bad thoughts anytime because we were a child, that’s, we were pure. The only thing we thought is our toys such as dolls, balls… we used to enjoy and always play with somebody or something. Our friends used to be like us,as well. They were pure. They did not use to behave cruelly or dishonestly. While we were playing, we used to quarrel with each other and sulk; but a few minutes later, we used to begin to talk each other and play again. We used to smile, even ,laugh. Nothing could make us unhappy. We did not use to know what life meant, what the word of “bad” was. Life was very enjoyable for us. Life was only to play for us. Life was with our families. Life was not to be unhappy for us and finally life was to think positively about the people who were around us. While we were a child, unhappy things or events were temporary. When our fathers did not buy a bar of chocolate, we used to cry. When our mothers did not play games with us, we used to be unhappy. However, when they began to talk to us, we used to forget .

However, is life the same as the life in our childhood now???
Of course,no… time is changing, the world is changing and also people are changing. As people grow, they forget their pureness in their childhood. They begin to think bad things. (these sentences are for not everbody but some people who change from good to bad) when these people do something good for you, certainly they have different plans about you in their mind. They do something and wait you to do something for them. Some people are no longer pure or honest or good. They are different from their previous times. As for us, the youths; life begins to be meaningless for us as time goes by. We are no longer a child. Our only thought is no longer our toys. We begin to have a lot of troubles apart from the toys. We think about them everytime. We begin to think about our future, our profession, our family and our life. No playing games, no toys… Only troubles, only thought of future, it goes on like that… What is more, we sometimes forget pureness. Perhaps, this is the most important thing for us. When pureness dissapears, everthing dissapears and finishes. I hope, I and you do not lose and forget our pureness. We do not forget our childhood and also to be positive…
I wish we were a child again and our only dream is to play our toys…:):)

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