According to the report from Kotaku, which has just a month ago among the best kept secrets in the gaming industry details on the next Call of Duty game so anything but.
Activision has been playing his cards close to his vest the next entry in the annual franchise. Last March, it would be to explain a child's play to the 2011 Call of Duty 3 may have been. Since 2006, the series between the original developer Infinity Ward has alternated, also responsible for the Modern Warfare Games and Treyarch, which eventually left the war behind setting with last year's Black Ops. It just made sense, that World at War 3 would be the next installment, but then Activision Infinity Ward gutted, and the complaints began.
Activision then brought in other developers, including Sledgehammer and Raven to contribute to more Call of Duty titles, and it vowed to keep open to Infinity Ward. This ensures the future of the franchise in general, but it was not on the immediate plans for the next installment.
But still, with Infinity Ward lose their founders and about a third of its staff, presented the work they had already begun on the next Call of Duty on their project before any other studio working on Call of Duty. Treyarch will probably be back next year with a new entry, while Sledge Hammer and Raven's plans have not yet been announced.
So far no official announcement on Modern Warfare 3 is given. It made sense that it would come, and in accordance with tradition, it would be published in November, but that's all we knew, and that all came from speculation. But now, when the Kotaku article is true, has not only Modern Warfare 3 unofficially confirmed by a shadow of a doubt, have the entire plot of the single-player game, and details on the multiplayer was also leaked.

First, the number of multiplayer maps from around the world will have, and the return of Spec Ops missions. A new Spec Ops "survival" mode is also included. The maps and the mission names are listed below:
Multiplayer Maps
Plaza 2
Spec Ops
Civilian Rescue
Flood the market
Invisible threat
Little Bro's
Out of Africa
No Fly Zone
Wing Man
The inclusion of 20 multiplayer maps is incredible, so much so that many of them will be cut almost surely. You may simply have been test cards that have never worked, or they can be packaged and sold later. You can even pre-order bonuses, but regardless, it seems unlikely that Activision would release that many cards if they have seen so much success with the sale of additional map packs.
What has the Kotaku story details. Literally all the details, including who live and die and. The link takes you to the whole story, the spoiler-intensive effect. So much so that you actually do it only if you are just surprised not like the story of a game. You have been warned.
The basics are that the game picked up right after the cliffhanger-ish end of Modern Warfare 2 As prices and soap are busy hunting Makarov in the world, a Russian force enters Manhattan. Two new characters, "Frost" and "Sandman" will be introduced, and the battle rages around the globe more than 15 missions (which could change, however, still), finally concluding in Dubai.
The game is a storyline where the world on the brink of total crisis. As such, it carries out land, wilderness and urban landscapes, including New York, Paris and London to fight. Destructible environments, a new addition to the series, and there are several vehicles that were used, how the coming of the next full blown world are trying to stop war.
The game is also for an 8th November release, which is set right in line with recent games. Again, it's all still unconfirmed. This does not mean that Kotaku is wrong-in fact they have so many details it is almost certain that they are dead, but on that the game is still not complete. Bullet could be removed, and sections could be revised completely before the actual release.
But for now it seems that the speculation can stop, and in November we will be the next title in our hands Modern Warfare have.
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