Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Using horse muck as a form of energy

Horse owners own horses for many reasons like for transportation, as a hobby or for racing purposes.

However not many people have really known that horse waste can be the base for an invaluable and renewable source of energy too.

With the need for new sources of energy to fuel vehicles and provide electricity growing everyday, researchers have found some good news in being able to produce energy from horse muck.

It is the company Global Greeven Solutions Inc., and the Florida Thoroughbred Breeders’ and Owners’ Association that have been conducting negotiations to start the company Florida Greensteam Equine Energy LLC.
This is proposed to be an energy producing company that converts horse biomass into energy with the help of straw and wood chips. The resultant energy that is produced from horse muck is used to form electrical energy that can be sold in the local grid of Florida for its use.

However there have not been any definitive agreement signed upon for the government of the formation and operations of the joint venture of Equine Energy.
This is because the current agreement that has been signed only reflects the intention of the two parties, and nothing more than that.


It is the Global Greensteasm’s high-efficiency cyclonic burner and its heat recovery steam generator that have been specially designed and formulated. This speical formulation is to ensure that the burner and generator can handle and generate energy from horse muck.

In fact, the chief operating officer of the company states that the ecotechnology used in the Global Greensteam process helps in generating renewable energy.
This energy that is produced from horse muck is actually produced while complying with the most stringent of air quality regulations.

The main reason the generation of energy from horse muck takes place in Florida is because Florida is a state that has over 600 thouroughbred horse farms and training centers for horses. With so many horse farms and training centers, there are quite a few horses found here, which tend to generate much more animal waste that can be eliminated and taken care using normal means.

So instead of letting all this waste go to waste, researchers have found a means of using this humongous amount of horse muck in creating energy, and electricity that proves to be useful to the people of Florida. According to records, there are about 50,000 thoroughbreeds and other breeds found in the Ocala region that produce more than 400,000 tons of animal waste in a year.

Though most of this horse muck; about 60 – 70% can be land applied or composted to get rid of it. However there still remained a need of finding out an earth-friendly method of effectively removing the remaining 30 – 40% of horse muck from the surfact of the earth.

And this is, and how horse muck and straw or wood chips have been used to help in creating a new, and renewable source of energy that the world is looking for.


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