LEDs were invented before, only the incandescent light-emitting devices that could be used easily and cheaply in flashlights. Although even now like torches are in use, but light bulbs, as we all know, pretty inefficient power consumption require frequent battery replacement and thus ultimately like torches are expensive to maintain and run.

With the advent of modern improved high-efficiency white LEDs, producing dazzling lights with negligible power become possible now, and burning torches slowly obsolete. LED flashlights are in fact so efficient that it can take batteries almost forever, so that they produce amazing light effects devices.

White LEDs built in lenses and can therefore no additional reflectors, which adds to their efficiency in the creation of sharp light pattern, however, the introduction of external parabolic mirror amplifies the light many folds and is, therefore, LED flashlights, the near eye-blinding Date produce illumination by ordinary power inputs.
In this article we will try to understand the electrical and mechanical details of a commercially available LED flashlight. Let us learn the rather simple structure of such a sample.
Simple internal configurations
A glowing LED is actually very simple because it does not contain much in the way of technical or electronic skills.
simply by connecting an LED's anode and cathode terminals to a power source, the LED lights are bright.
However, this is a criterion that must be strictly followed with LEDs, that the supply voltage must never much of its voltage drop, which may be different for different LEDs (colors.)
Mini LED flashlight cicuit, chart, picture
For example, the forward voltage of white LEDs around 3.6 volts, exceed the applied voltage should not be 4 volts (ideally), but have said that higher input voltages must be included only if the LED according to a calculated resistance is connected in series.
The next picture shows a mini LED flashlight, small prices (you can buy only 7 of them for a dollar) on the market, making it also a "use and throw" type of device. It basically operated from a single white LEDs from three tiny button cells in series.
Mini LED flashlight, LED flashlight mini image, image, mini LED torch, mini flashlight image, image
Because each cell produces a voltage of 1.5 volts, three of them stacked into a beautiful 4.5 volts, just perfect for the supply of a single white LEDs give very bright (the picture shows that simple.)
The dissected view of the burner, the following steps, which are easily copied and can even be built by an electronic beginners:
The electrical part of this LED flashlight consists essentially of an LED and arranged three button cells in series, ie the negative of the upper cell contacts the positive of the second cell and the negative of the second cell, the positive of the third cell affected, so that the positive of the first and the negative of the third cell free, so it leads to the LED over.
The cathode of the LED is fixed to the negative of the cell assembly is connected, while the anode to the positive voltage source through a strip of brass, positioned so that it is like a leaf switch "plot twist, the LED OFF switch in response to the sliding door ( with the fingers) of an external mechanism.
The concept for innovative applications:

LEDs on a Frisbee, ImageLED Car Roof Light diagram ImageAs already discussed to wire LEDs fairly simple, a number of interesting extensions small light may be using a few or many LEDs and a battery or assessed according to a voltage source.
For example, as can be joined together as shown to make a nice little top light for your car interior in the figure six LEDs. The positive of the circuit can be connected through the switch door, so that the LEDs light up immediately after opening one of the doors. By adding a capacitor, it can be the lights in order for a few more seconds, even after the doors closed and the switches are turned off.
Another application that would definitely impress your friends is attaching a couple of LEDs to a normal Frisbee. You can by drilling a few holes at regular Frisbee and setting LEDs in them, which would then be supplied by button cells, as illustrated in the accompanying diagrams with power.
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