Thursday, January 20, 2011


Yes,life is really a lie. Human beings are born,live and die. We,human beings, have a limited lifespan. The most important thing is that this limited time should be happy,peaceful and healthy.People should develop themselves during their lifetime, be ambitious (but not exaggerated ambition) and have plans for the future.Life is good but not that much good.Here is a dangerous place.We face some difficulties and dangers so we should be cautious about our behaviours against the society where we live and the people who are around us. The mistake you made can cause catasrophes for you. Each person is not same. Everybody has different features, characteristics. Some people are selfish, some are dishonest, some are good, some are two faced people, this goes on like that...

If you are a succesful person, some selfish and dishonest people do their best to destroy you. These people are fake like this world. They blacken the name of you. It is the only target of them in the world. They are jealous and do nothing to develop themselves.You, the successful one, must go up the stairs successfully without thinking those people.

You must always the perfect one. When you look behind, you must not have anything which you regretted.You must have a peaceful, happy and healthy life... As I said to you before, in this world, you should spend your lifetime beneficially and be careful about dangerous and fake creatures. DO NOT FORGET, dude ok.. these are advises from me, a foreign dude who do not know, see you..

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