Saturday, December 4, 2010

Wind energy sector

Wind energy is not something new, and how many of you probably know that the use of wind energy (wind mills) has a long history of use of it. If we take the data for the United States in 2008, we are pleased to see that 22 states have come away with the plans for the installation of 1,650 wind mills in the United States. Current estimates say that until 2014, wind power industry to rapidly increase their growth expected to expand with today's approximately 6,500 megawatt hours by more than 28,000 megawatt hours in five years. Wind energy industry is currently an annual market of $ 3000000000. It is expected that this amount will more than double over the next two years because of many new wind energy projects that will start soon, will be built over the entire United States. This is clearly give you an idea of how wind energy has developed over the years.

Many energy experts see good future for offshore wind mills. Offshore windmills are now more and more dominant in the wind energy industry and the coming years should ensure their complete dominance in the field of wind energy. Why offshore wind energy projects are always so popular? The main reason for this that oceans so more experience on the wind a blow to the country, and the stronger the wind the more electricity we can produce. A lot of work and constant development in the installation of windmills at sea platforms have the wind energy is much more efficient and what is also important, more transferable. Wind energy projects are now in megawatt capacity compared to energy projects in the past were only capable of generating wind measured in kilowatts.

The more spin the wind the turbines quickly, and offshore turbines therefore spin much faster compared to those in the countryside and in particular they are much more reliable because they compare much more stable to land plants installed by constant winds that impact on oceans. As the wind energy industry experience ever, the growth of this would also mean great things for the economy because these extension energy sector jobs guaranteed for many people, so wind energy could also be used at least partially secure jobs for the people who lost their jobs in recession. The wind industry is expected to achieve significant growth in the near future, the manufacturing and engineering, environmental management, consulting, marketing and determinants include wind energy. All these should help thousands of new jobs and Boos U.S. economy even further.

Wind Energy:
1. Wind energy development (current)
2. As the wind energy works to generate electricity? (More)
3. Wind Power Cost
4. Conclusion

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